Saturday, January 31, 2009

New security company

RM 4.30 per hour security guard

Roll call before the change of shift

Briefing by the chief security officer

The services of Kawalan Perwira Sdn Bhd had been terminated. TSS Security Sdn Berhad has been appointed to take over from them effective 1st February 2009. The guards will in deep grey uniforms.The JMC had a couple of meetings with them before they are appointed. There will 8 guards and 1 officer for the day shift and the same for the night shift. The cost is RM4.30 per hour for the normal guards and RM 5.00 per hour for the officers. The total cost is RM 30,000 monthly which is slightly lower than what we are paying previously.

We told the new company, we hoped to see some changes in the aspect of enforcement. No more owners' cars at the visitors' parking lots. No more in and out without the access cards. No more walk in visitors without being registered. We have also set certain procedures for visitors' car park. They are allowed to park for four hours after which they have to inform the guards to extend it should they need to stay longer. For overnight visitors prior permission need to be obtained from the management office. If the office is closed, permission can be obtained from the guardhouse. After midnight, visitors are not allowed to come in by cars but the guards have been told to use their discretion for some special circumstances like the sick or relatives who are from outstations.

We shall monitor the new company closely. Hopefully, the residents can provide us with some feedback on the performance of the company. When we change, we change for the better. The officers must do a good job of providing good leadership to the junior guards. What we want is consistency in their performance. Be firm but polite. Some owners may not be happy but then we we can't please all.

Goodnight and have a nice day.


  1. Hi Mr.SEE, Happy New Year to you.I am Mr.Ong from block B. First off all ,happy to see there is improvement been done so far.There is few question i would like to bring out.

    1) On the first JMB meeting, where the colledge principal had agreed to reduce their students from time to time? But why it is increasing and not reducing.The usage of lifts will be more heavy than usual.Mostly is occupied by students which goes up and down so frequent.( currently is already heavy).

    2) On my block B , there is a rented tenant who don't know how to open a door, so poor for them .Whenever they throw the rubbish,they don't throw inside, they just leave outside garbage room. Various size of plastics bags untie,stains and smell spread along the corridor,sometimes i feel that i am living in a low cost flat .May i know what are the action can be taken?

    3) Proposed to locate the current gym location to a proper location, maybe beside the pool?

    Thanks and best regards,


  2. Dear Mr. See,

    Yes the security company and the uniform is new but their faces look familiar. I think they employed the staffs from the previous company. Hope that they don't carry the same attitude from the old company.

    I don't mind, in fact I wish that the security to be strict in carrying out their duty especially when dealing with outsider.

  3. Dear Ong,

    The number of units rented by the college remained the same according to the management. We had instructed the management to monitor the units rented by Cosmo college at all times. As with regards to the rubbish, you can lodge a complaint withe management.

    Dear zacque,

    Getting good guards pose a problem to any security company. We had told the current company to retain some of the guards who can perform. There are about five of them. These guards are are already familiar with our house rules so the company can use them to guide the new guards. The current company does carry out roll calls during every change of shift.
    The residents can serve as the eyes for the management. You are all wellcome to provide feedback on the performance of our new security company.
    The officer in charge for the day shift is Mr Sina, an ex-policeman. The officer for the night shift is En Zulkifli.

  4. Happy New Year to you and JMC

    I noted that there's some improvement to the security guards. However I have notified on 2 instances where resident have brought pets (dogs) to their unit in Block A thru the car park at Level 2. The last occurence is 2 days ago.I have also identified the resident to the guards thru the Security Camera but I was told that no action have been taken yet

  5. dear beedee06,

    this is one of the house rules which is very difficult to enforce. we have come out with a notice pertaining to this matter. however, you can lodge a complaint with the management. you can rest assured that all complaints are confidential.

  6. Dear Mr. See,

    Good day.

    Below is some comment since I moved into PV10:

    1. The guard carried different “treatment” to the residents/visitor. 2 visitor cars enter into the building, only 1 required registration and not both.

    My wife was questioning the guard but unfortunate he just ignored her. This incident has been happen many times.

    2. There are always a same cars parked at the visitor parking, this still happen after the new security company has been appointed. Does the guard house really following the house rules to grant the permission for those? Why I said so, because I don’t think they actually follow the procedure.

    3. For those residents that in and out at the main entrance, should the guard always use the control at guard house to activate the auto-gate? They should check those residents to ensure they are carry the proper access card (blue color) then only let them enter and leave the building.

    4. Those “residents” without the access card is supposes to register at the building entrance, but it since like this not enforce by the guard on duty.

    5. Can Management Office issue a Car park sticker without written down the vehicle register number at the sticker?

    The security company must carry out the duty strictly and fair to all residents. This is they duty to ensure the building is safe.

  7. Dear KF,

    We shall take not of all your feedback. It looks like we have to remind the new company not to grant any special previliges to any residents. I agree with you that the owners have no business to park at the visitors' parking lot. I had actually told the officer about it.

    Perhaps, you can also lodge a complaint with the management because as an owner, you have every right to do so. The management needs your feedback. We need your feedback. You can have a word with Ms Lena, the property manager for PV10.

    Thank you

  8. The new security system have a great morning briefing as i can see them everyday

    they kept the good attidue secutiry guard, i can recognize them. by the way, i suggest them not to spend too much on the uniform, as long as clean and tidy up is good enough.

    lastly thanks for your effort.And wish all owner gong xi fa chai.. :)

  9. Dear Mr. See
    I believe with this blog being created, the management should take note and act accordingly. Management should be proactive with the comments on the blog and take appropriate action without having to wait for your inquiries. I also hope management can also give feedback to residents through this blog. It defeat the purpose if we still have to write complaints to management

    Last night I witnessed an argument between a resident and a visitor on the attitude of the visitor speeding at the covered car park in front of the guard house. The resident was turning in to park his car and was overtook on the left side by a visitor car (assumed because he parked at the visitor parking)and nearly hit by a visitor. When confronted by the resident, the young man was very antagonising and I told the visitor to just simply say sorry and let the matter be. He did so but with raisng his voice just to please me and the guard.

    I think we don't need this kind of visitor and should not be let in. The reason we stay in a guarded condo is for privacy and security. So if the visitor cannot behave himself then we should not let them in and the guard should ask the visitor to leave the premises or park his car outside. I noticed that security to Villa Wangsamas in Wangsa Maju did the same to visitors and try to protect the residents and not visitors

  10. Dear See,

    it's silly to expect improvement if
    we don't make genuine changes. Rules
    and regulations are dead until human
    activate them with proper and effective
    I don't see much improvement in traffic
    control right in front of the guardhouse.
    A lorry partially blocking the resident
    access lane this morning right under the
    watchful eyes of a security guard and i
    was forced to navigate my car to squeeze
    thru to make my entry.
    I wonder whether the guards are being briefed
    on traffic control rules or the above-mentioned
    failure in control is caused by negligence
    of security guard/officer.
    It also put me in doubt whether we really
    employed a good set of quality guards as


  11. Dear See,

    i fully agree with bd06.
    Mgt should use this blog to gather
    feedbacks/inputs pertaining to
    security/safety/housekeeping issues
    at common property/area which are of great
    concern to residents and act accordingly
    to verify them spot on and get them
    fixed the soonest possible without
    any delay.
    Lets cut-off any unnecessary red tapes
    to ease the feedback loop to encourage
    residents to provide more feedbacks.
    Mgt should also go down to the floor
    to conduct regular self audit for early
    detection of potential problems.
    Manpower constraint should not be an
    excuse if mgt is good in maximising
    utilisation of available resources.


  12. Dear owners,

    The primary ofjective of us setting up this blog is to provide infos on the changes at Platinum. It is not the official venue for making complaints. Comments and complaints are different. For instant, the area in front of your house is not swept, you lodge a complaint with the management and not the JMB. The management takes care of the day to day operation at PV10 because if you complain to us , we still have to refer the issue to the management unless if your problem is not resolved.

    As for the security, this is their first week at PV10. The management and JMB are still monitoring them. We have regular meeting with them. Whatever issues brought up by the owners will be brought up in the meeting. It is quite simple for us. If they cannot perform up to our expectation, we will sack them because we call the shot here but bear in mind that getting a good security company is a big problem faced by most of the condos. Getting guards who are really committed is not easy due to the low pay they are getting. We are paying them only RM 4.30 per hour so don't expect them to provide gurkhas for our condo.

    However, we take note of all your comments. We shall definitely bring up the issues in our meeting with them in the near future.

    Thank you

  13. nothing to comment on the security but on other things.

    first of all, i find that the washing area for cars are not at a proper place. the location is smelly and unshaded. as a resident i'm hoping a better place would be provided.

    secondly, there are 2 area where residents are able to walk to block c and block d which is located at the swimming pool area. 1 is at the side of laundry shop and the other is the pump room. i notice when i drive by sometimes, children and even grown ups are not aware of incoming cars, since there is a blind spot. hoping management are able to at least provide a signage just for awareness to children...

    thanks in advance

  14. dear pv 10,
    the lift in the condo is too slow.Beside that, it's alwasy breakdown and one of the lift cant stop at 2nd floor. I hope better improvement will be done asap.

  15. Dear anonymous,

    With regards to the lift, make a complaint to the management. they would not know which lift is not stopping at the 2nd floor if you don't make a complaint.

    Perhaps we can draw some yellow lines on the floor.

  16. Dear Mr See,
    Glad to see all those improvements, spearheaded by you & the team.

    I face a problem here & hopefully you can assist me:

    I understand that PV10 provide car park rental at the rate of RM100 per month, but I sometime need the car space for only few days or one week in a row. I wonder whether the management could consider allocating some car park space for rental on weekly basis. The car door of my second car parked outside our condo got damaged recently by some stupid thieves trying to crack into my car.

    Looking forward to your answer. Thanks

  17. Hi Anonymous,
    We can strike a deal on weekly car park rental .
    Just email me at for more information .

  18. Dear anonymous,

    the car park rental is out of our jurisdiction. those car parks do not belong to JMBPV10. they belong to the developer deemed to be unsold car parks. you have to see them to rent a car park.


  19. Dear See,

    as we proceed, we let loose a can of worms from developer. I was told all the car park
    lots in ground and first floor were sold out
    when i booked my unit. No choice, we paid
    rm8000 for the second lot. I felt cheated
    now. Apparently, this is developer's gimmick
    to dispose of the undemanded car park lots first.


  20. dear residents of PV10,

    the first vulgar comment has appeared in this blog. I hope there will not be more to come. if you curse PV10, you are not showing any respect to your own property. how can you be happy ? if you are not happy, by all means , voice it out and you will feel better.
    But, if you are not happy with the JMC, by all means vote them out in the next AGM. All the members of JMC are not indispensable.

  21. please check on ur so-called committee member..they are using the "self-given" authority in a wrong way. i'm referring to the person who always wears his cloth in Islamic style, walking around at night lecturing people on nonsense...mixing around with the guards and everything..

  22. Dear anonymous,

    he is not a committee member. he is a young chap who claimed to be a student of an islamic college. i think he is a member of the surau committee, therefore he does not have the authority to give intructions to the guards or the management.

  23. I just wonder why RM4.30 per hour also need to employ foreign worker as security guard? Is this rate too low for local ppl to work?
